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115x240x260 cm, Brøndby Strand, 2023

Path to Eternity, plastik, en del af Gruppeudstillingen "Of Gardens", 2020

Virtual Reality / The Distance Between Me And You / Post Enviroment

Extruded polystyrene and cocktail sticks, 120 cm x 60 cm x 45 cm, Huset for Kunst og Design, 2017

Once I Dit It For You, Now I Do It For Me (Cartesian Sculpture), pulver-3D-print, plast (3D-print), metal, gips, voksskål, betonsokkel, 40x60x70 cm, ARoS, 2014

Glemt, Læringhuset Nærheden, Hedehusene, 2023

Det kritiske punkt for intethed, plast (3D-print), 210x210x110 cm, Skovsnogen Artspace, 2016

Works for the exhibition called IDIOS at Ringsted galleriet in 2019